The specially trained dispatchers will help the caller and emergency workers/first responders during the Emergency situation while on the phone.
The most important W is “Wher“e. This question is not to ask the question where do you live but rather “Where” is the location of the emergency? It is not always the case that the emergency is where the child lives.
The second step is “What has happened” Here is where the hope is to get the child to express what is happening, for example “Its burning in my room” “My friend had a Bike accident” so this way the dispatcher can send the correct emergency assistance.
The „who“ for „who is calling“ „who calls in an emergency“ loses its meaning because the phone number of the call is transmitted.
Something that also needs to be said is that the “Who” with children can help with building a personal level of trust and conversation with the child. With a more personal connection one can help the child calling to become calm within a stressful situation.